Friday, December 21, 2012

A to Z Life Hacks

A to Z Life Hacks
ttitude & Affirmations
Dress up your attitude and you can achieve 100 percent success. Affirmation is a self talk ± whatever you say to yourself will be reflected in your behavior. Be kind to yourself and nice things will happen.
Balance & Benchmark 
Create a balance in your mind. Be unshakable in the war against Naya ± No Sayers. Creae a benchmark of your work today,track the progress of your team through constant feedback mechanism.
Courage & Collaboration
Only courage can create highly collaborative team.
Determination & Desire
Have a strong determination to make others successful. Desire  success. Look for the good in everyone. You will find excellent things in every human being.
Energetic & Enthusiastic
People around you notice your energy and enthusiasm. Exhibit them.
Focus & Faith
Create constant focus. Try implementing a game of Dash and Marathon in your sprint to instill a strong faith to win a game.
Give & Give Some More
Be a giver. Unconditionally give all the help and support that you can. Remember that whatever you give to others will come back to you.
Happy & Honest
Maintain the state of mind called happy. If you are happy, you will find happy people all over the world and it will spread. Be honest in whatever you say and do.
Income & Investment
Use income and investment as business value criteria for each user story. Ask the product owner, "What is the income we will get from this functionality?" It is hard to implement but will provide remarkable results.
Joyful & James
Exude the spirit of Joyful James or Joyful Jane. Every human being has all the qualities within himself or herself. If no one ever tells you that can be anything at any age, you will not believe that you can be anything. Encourage others. Spread your joy.

Kind &Knowledgeable
Through kindness, you can understand kinesthetic feelings that human generate by making auditory and visual images inside their brains. Just being kind to others can help you understand teammates and their problems. It will also help you build a deep rapport with your team. Knowledge is a true power. If you have hands-on experience writing FIT script for TDD, Hudson for CI, Junit for Unit Test, or Silenium for GUI test, you can be a great technical asset to your team.
Love & Learn
Love all people unconditionally. Love yourself and people will start loving you. What you project will be reflected towards you. Learn become forever student. Keep your mind open. As the saying goes, the human mind is like a parachute: it works great when it is open.
Miracle & Mind
All the things that we see around us are miracles of the human mind. Human beings can do wonders if given all the resources, help and trust.
Neuro-lingustic Programming & Noble deeds
NLP can help you to look into the minds of team members and help them solve their problems. As to noble deeds: One may not stay on this planet but his deeds are eternal.
Objective & Observation
Always have a very clear objective of what you really and specifically want. Observe reactions of people through their words, hand movements, and body language. Only 7 percent of communication happens through words; 65 percent is through body language. Be an excellent observer.
Passion & People
Have a passion for doing everything and anything that is possible. People are the most valuable things in your life; respect their mindsunconditionally²their thoughts are their model of world. Their wiring is a result of the way they have grown and been nurtured.
Questioning & Quality 
Use open questions to start discussions with the product owner and control questions to gather facts. Quality in agile starts from day one begin with TDD. Do not accept a user story unless it has clearly defined business value and acceptance criteria.
Realistic & Respectful
Be realistic all the time. 90 percent of functionality is never used or not required by the customer. Respect everyone in every way.
Satisfy & Serve
Satisfy customers' real needs, rather than imaginary needs. Adopt the servant leadership model proven by Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandella, Mother Teresa, or any servant leader for whom you have a strong belief. Human modeling has been around for decades; use it to your advantage.
Time Boxing & Trading
Time boxing is one of the most powerful foundations on which agile project management practice is built (Scrum). Use it to create the right kind of pressure.Trade time for business value only. Apply the 14-Toyota way to eliminate waste.
Unique & Unify 
Unify all the unique individuals on team (Business + IT) through collaborative communication & use of simple language.  Mostly use visual communication, white board, videoconference, web cam, live meeting, SAS implemented ALM tools, wiki pictures etc.
Vision &Value
Have a well-defined vision for each product and get it nailed down for each developer on the team. This is a roadmap as to where we want to gofrom where we are. Map agile values and principles to organization values. Values and principles are a major ingredient of success.
Work & Worship
Work is worship. What pays makes sense
Xanadu & Xavier
Xanadu: beautiful or wonderful place. Create a work environment that is one of the most beautiful places. Xavier: the middle name of a well known morpethian mathematician and comedian. One must apply mathematical skill and sense of humor to produce desire results.
Yoga & Youthful
Yoga (Your Own Goal Achievement) is about integrating mind, body, and soul. Yoga has nothing to do with any culture or religion. Do power yoga to calm down your thoughts and create balance within yourself to stay youthful forever. Youthfulness is a charm that teams like.
Zion & Zeal
Zion is an imaginary place considered to be perfect or ideal. Remember there is no perfection in this world; it is always continuous improvement. Zeal is an active Interest. Take one in your work, your team, and your life.

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